Atherton Drenth
10 February 2015
A few weeks ago a very excited client dropped by the Paradigm Centre to tell me that I had been mentioned in Doreen Virtue’s latest book, “Signs from Above.” I was extremely surprised. Two years earlier Doreen Virtue had sent out a request looking for stories to include in her next book. I had absolutely no idea that my story had been selected for publication.
I immediately started to call around to see if I could find a copy of the book. Another client, who was waiting for her appointment at the time, overheard the conversation and offered to pick up a copy for me. Within an hour of finding out that my story had been included in Doreen’s book, I proudly held a copy of it in my hands.
It was truly divine timing. Earlier in the day I had struggled during meditation to still my mind. I was filled with doubt about my decision to self-publish my first book, “Following Body Wisdom.” Getting the book published was turning out to be a lot more work than I had anticipated. I had spent 5 years working on my book and I really wondered if it was worth it. I was frustrated and confused. Finally, in desperation I asked my angels for a sign and asked out loud, “Is this important enough to publish?”
As I stood there holding Doreen’s book I realized at that moment in time that it was a sign from above. With renewed confidence and trust I soon found the perfect vanity press and, “Following Body Wisdom” was released six months later.
Doreen’s book is a delightful read. One passage in her book that really stood out for me was, “Your guardian angels are continually giving you messages, frequently through signs, such as seeing rainbows, repetitive number sequences, finding coins or feathers, and hearing meaningful songs.” My story appears on page 107.