Sep 4, 2022 | Blog, Explore Holistic Energy Work
BLOG | HOLISTIC ENERGY WORK Atherton Drenth 6 Sep 2022 How Dreams Come True On August 8, 2022, I celebrated twenty-three years of helping people on their healing journey. What a journey it has been. The first day I opened my practice was an emotional one. Two security...
Dec 3, 2019 | Blog, Explore Holistic Energy Work
EXPLORE HOLISTIC ENERGY WORK Atherton Drenth 01 December 2019 The interviewer asked me an intriguing question. One, that quite honestly I hadn’t given much thought to over the years, despite having a career as a clairvoyant intuitive. Afterwards, when the interview...
Sep 2, 2019 | Explore Holistic Energy Work
EXPLORE HOLISTIC ENERGY WORK Atherton Drenth 02 September 2019 With so much happening on the planet at this time it is difficult to discern what is truth. Milada Sakic, an astrologer that I have been following for some time had this to say: “We will be craving more...
Apr 2, 2019 | Blog, Explore Holistic Energy Work
EXPLORE HOLISTIC ENERGY WORK Atherton Drenth 1 April 2019 At our office we have a whiteboard in the kitchen where we leave each other notes and updates. Around the beginning of March someone wrote on our communal whiteboard that Spring was just around the corner. What...
Feb 4, 2019 | Blog, Explore Holistic Energy Work
EXPLORE HOLISTIC ENERGY WORK Atherton Drenth 01 February 2019 Are you feeling dizzy? Exceptionally tired? Restless? Irritable? Do you feel like you are totally fine one moment and then suddenly feel overwhelmed or anxious, in the next? It could be an indication that...
Oct 30, 2018 | Consciousness, Explore Holistic Energy Work
CONSCIOUSNESS Atherton Drenth 31 October 2018 In the morning when I wake up I like to take a moment to focus my mind, ground my energy, and ask Archangel Michael “What one thing do I need to know today?” The answers are brief, succinct and incredibility helpful. Its...