Holistic Energy Services
About Energy Work
Everything is made of energy. For thousands of years, shamans and healers have known about its existence, how it flowed around the body and what an impact it could have on the physical and emotional well being of a person. This energy flow has been described using a variety of names such as prana, life force, chi, chakras, and aura.
Healers and shamans knew intuitively that if this energy flow somehow became blocked or stagnant, it could create physical, emotional or spiritual un-wellness or dis-ease in the body. Clearing the blocked energy, using various techniques, allowed the body to do what it does naturally – return to balance which resulted in healing or wellness for the client. Today we call this “Energy Work”.
Practitioners of energy work are now referred to as healers, shamans, energy medicine practitioners or energy workers, just to name a few. They use various techniques to find where the energy of the body is blocked and then clear it thereby allowing the body energy to flow freely and rebalance. This is referred to in energy work as “balancing”. Balancing the energy field helps create healing.
Energy Work is not invasive, and works with the entire body – physically, emotionally and spiritually. Clients lie on a massage table, fully clothed. The body is gently touched with the practitioner’s hands. If you would like to know more, please watch the video of an energy session posted here.
It is understandable if you are skeptical about energy work and its effectiveness. Clients often remark, “How could something so simple, be so effective, so quickly?” That’s all right. I encourage you to be skeptical. Ask questions and be curious. It all helps to make you a more informed consumer.
To help you understand what energy work is and is not, I wrote Following Body Wisdom: How Energy Work Can Help Heal (2009). It is available on my website, Amazon and Indigo. This comprehensive book explains the principles of energy work, what to expect in a session and what to expect after the session is over. The book also includes the personal stories of clients who have undergone major shifts in their lives as a result of receiving energy work. Each client has graciously agreed to share their personal experiences so that others could understand the power and effectiveness of this work.
A client once said to me: “I don’t know what you do, and I don’t care because it’s helping and I feel better. I don’t need a scientist to tell me what works for me.” Energy Work does not replace traditional medicine; it is not the be all and end all. However, it is a modality that can help.
Atherton has a private practice in Ottawa, Ontario. The sessions offered are a blending of modalities as requested by the body’s innate wisdom.
Atherton has been trained and certified in the following modalities:
- Body Talk™ – Certified CBP Practitioner
- Medical Intuition
- Bio-computer Operating System (BOS)™
- Total Body Modification (TBM)™
- Therapeutic Touch™ Level 3
- Biodynamic Craniosacral I
- Regression Therapy
- Channelling
- Angel Therapy Practitioner® (ATP)®
Atherton also holds diplomas in Medical Technology and Executive Office Administration.
The treatment offered is not conventional nor is it replacement therapy for any other healing modality, traditional or alternative.
Important Appointment Information
Appointment Options
When booking appointments, there are three different treatment options:
1) Distance
2) Phone Consult
3) Zoom
Please inform us which treatment option you would like when booking your appointment(s), and please note a first appointment will be 45 minutes to one hour and each subsequent appointment will be anywhere from 5 minutes to 20 minutes, depending on what the body can handle during the session.
- Distance. If you live far away or simply are not available to come in, I work on you energetically at the appointed time and contact you by phone or email later that day to discuss what came up during your session. If you would like to have anything in particular addressed, please call or email the office before your designated time and leave a message with my staff. Clients that request distance appointments are asked to not drive or operate equipment during the scheduled time.
- Phone Consult. This is another option. Call the office at the scheduled time and we do a distance session together over the telephone. At the appointed time, let the phone ring about three times; if the office does not pick up, hang up, wait 5 min. and call again (we are on another call).
If you choose the distance call option we ask that you be sitting or lying down in a quiet location during the session. Have Kleenex, water, pen & paper handy. Also, ensure that you will not be disturbed. Please be prepared to focus and do not eat, watch TV or use a computer during the session.
- Zoom. This is another option. Call the office and book an appointment time. Request that the session be held over Zoom. On the day of your booked appointment, you will receive a Zoom invitation link in your email box. Click on the link and wait to be admitted into the session.
If you do not currently have the Zoom app on your computer. The day before you appointment
Please go zoom.us . Scroll down to the bottom of the web page and click “Download” in the web page’s footer. On the Download Center page, click “Download” under the “Zoom Client
for Meetings” section. The Zoom app will then begin downloading.
Energy work may bring on a “clearing”, where symptoms sometimes reappear before they are released. This may happen within 1-2 days; do not be alarmed. Be gentle with yourself. If you would like to know more about Energy Work, read “Following Body Wisdom: How Energy Work Helps Heal”.
All methods of treatment are equally effective. There is no obligation as to which method you choose or how often you come. I am here to assist you on your healing journey.
We will maintain your privacy in accordance with legislated requirements. From time to time, case histories may be presented in lectures or written material. All personal identifying information such as name, address, telephone number, and date of birth is excluded.
Atherton’s Hours
Tues: 10am-4pm, Wed: 10am–4pm
New Rates as of Sept 1st | |
Adults (In person or distance work) | |
Initial Consultation | $180.00 |
Regular Balance | $ 65.00 |
Students (over age 18) | $ 48.00 |
Children (under age 18) | |
Initial Consultation | $ 140.00 |
Regular balance | $ 48.00 |
Additional Services | |
Hospital Visits (Ottawa area only) | $ 100.00 |
Telephone Consultations | $ 100.00 (max. 30 min) |
Emergency Balance (Distance only) | $80.00 |
Initial Consultation If you are a first time client, please call or email the office to confirm an initial consultation appointment. Atherton currently has a waiting list for new clients. Once you have had your initial consultation, you will not need to wait more than 2 weeks for any follow up appointments.
Please note this payment option is available for existing clients only.
Holistic Energy Practitioners
Larry Steel
BOS™ Practitioner/Trainer Steel Health Centre 28 Cardigan Street, Guelph, ON
(519) 821-6269
Other Forms of Energy Work
Judi Bechard
Energy Healing Facilitator & Wellness Coach The Clearing Experience (519) 837-5362
Shirley Martin B.A., MTS, MDiv.
Reiki Master
Feathers, Rainbows & Roses Reiki & Body Energy Work, Counseling, Spirit Coach
Waterloo, ON
shirleylynnmartin.com (519) 886-6732
Lori Wilson B.A., M.S.W.
Founder of Inneraccess 101: Medical Intuition, Channelling & Regression Training Guelph, ON www.inneraccess101.com (519) 824-6655
Additional Resources
Michelle Cali B.Sc., N.D The Guelph Naturopath 183 Norfolk Street, Guelph, ON N1H 4K1 info@guelphnaturopath.com www.guelphnaturopath.com (519) 827-9605
Located in the Guelph Wellness House info@guelphwellness.com www.guelphwellness.com
Zrinka Capkun B.Sc. BIE Practitioner 421 Woolwich Street, Guelph, ON Also in Caledon, ON zrinka.capkun@rogers.com www.true-health.ca (416) 992-0616 (519) 803-8400
Andrea Mathieson Raven Essences Flower and plant essences Maple, ON andrea@ravenessences.com www.ravenessences.com (905) 832-8245
Heather Caruso B.Sc., H.D., D.H.M.S.
Heather Caruso Homeopathic Clinic Guelph, ON www.carusohomeopathy.com
(519) 827-9237 1-866-249-5755 toll-free
Russ Mater B.Sc., B.Ed. CST-D CranioSacral Therapy, Ayurvedic Nutritional Assessment, Magnetic Resonance russmater@yahoo.ca www.russmater.com
Additional healing resources
Mesothelioma Lung Cancer – Our website has the most up to date and comprehensive information about Pleural Mesothelioma on the web today; with information ranging from a complete list of symptoms, to treatment options and steps to take after a diagnosis.
Other Workshops
With Lori Wilson
Inner Access 101
Lori Wilson now offer over 40 of her Intuition-Based Classes, lessons and events in an easy On-Line format. There are also a number of free events such as: Grandmother’s channeled Daily Focus that helps you be ready for the day
Access Intuition 101 teaches all people how to easily connect with their own intuition skills, guides and love ones who have passed on in the 25-hour Access Intuition 101 class. Amplify your intuition and learn how to channel 8 unique sources of wisdom.
Medical Intuition: Lori Wilson’s Total Body Intuition Training is also available for health/helping professionals with a minimum of 2 years’ experience. This class is what Lori is most known for – teaching stellar tracking tools to assist your clients in uncovering the root of their health imbalances. The Medical Intuition Foundation Level is 125 hours long and includes a 500 page Manual.
Mystic Musings

Dream Big, Conquer Obstacles: Lessons from My Father’s Entrepreneurial Legacy
As a young man my father had a dream. He wanted to have his own printing business. But there was one tiny little snag to achieving his dream. How do you start a business with no money and five mouths to feed?

Nurturing Your Soul To Receive Love
Do you allow yourself to be loved? It’s an interesting question, don’t you think? Personally, I think it is easier to love than it is to BE LOVED. Allow me to explain.
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