

author atherton drenth

Atherton Drenth

1 September 2017

It was announced earlier this week that Doreen Virtue has renounced the New Age Movement and converted to Christianity. For many of us, who have been avid readers and followers of her career this announcement came as a surprise. I am no different. It is, I am sure, causing a lot of her students to pause and rethink their life’s work. The question has been asked of me, about how I feel about this, as I have also trained with her and openly support her work.

First, I want to say I applaud her conversion. Doreen says that she had a vision of Jesus while in church and it changed everything. Having had contact with our Lord Jesus and a near death experience myself I can say that contact with the divine is indescribable and life changing. You feel and know your connection to all things in love. You never recover from that moment of spiritual connection with the divine. It is pure bliss. Her conversion makes all the sense in the world to me.

Second, it doesn’t change a thing. It would be easy to say it forces me to question everything I have ever believed and understood. Everyone, including me, goes through a process of changing and evolving. That is why we are souls having a human experience. It is to be expected that what we believe today is not necessarily what we will believe tomorrow. I oddly enough have gone from being a student of Theosophy to embracing Christianity that lead me to do healing work. My near-death experience propelled me into a world I would have never accepted otherwise. Everything I have learned through reading the Bible, A Course in Miracles and Buddhist texts have all played a huge part in my life and work. They are all important pieces of the journey of learning what is spirituality and being one with God.

For those of you who have also found yourself working with aspects of the divine after suffering though one to many contrary religious experiences, I am sure you will understand this. I for one, did not look to go into healing work. Nor did I ever think that working with Angels would become an important aspect of that work. An angel appeared to me as I lay dying and gave me a choice. I knew it was time to embrace it. It changed my life – for the better. Everything in my life has lead up to this and I am grateful beyond words.

Each and everyone of us is having a personal experience. What has happened to Doreen is her personal experience. The fact that she is a public figure makes it all the more observable. It puts each of us in a moment of choice. Do you continue to believe what you believe? Do you follow your heart? Or does the audience of public opinion suddenly become more important? Only you can decide that for yourself.

For me, I will continue my work as I am guided to do so. Do I believe in the Bible? Yes. Do I believe in Jesus? Yes. Do I believe in angels? Yes. Anyone who been visited by angels and had life alternating experience with angels would be hard pressed to deny their presence. In my personal opinion angels are aspects of God. They are more relatable. They are conduit to God because, lets’ face it we are told we can pray but not talk with God. (That has always sounded a little like an oxymoron to me.)

I wish Doreen all the best. I wish you all the best. Continue to believe in yourself and what you are guided to do. We are all being called to stand our posts in service. I encourage you to do so in love and trust that you are who you need to be at this moment in time. Trust yourself and love the changes that are happening in the world. We are growing up and sometimes that is just sticky and messy. Be part of the solution. Love and trust who you are today. We are all evolving.

Atherton Drenth is the author of Intuitive Dance. Building, Protecting & Clearing Your Energy, and Following Body Wisdom. Atherton also appears in the documentary, Voyage to Betterment” as one of 12 experts along with other internationally renowned physicians, researchers, and pioneers in the fields of consciousness research and spirituality. Atherton is a Clairvoyant, Medical Intuitive, Holistic Energy Practitioner facilitating transformational healing for her clients. She has an international client base and has been in private practice for over sixteen years.
