

author atherton drenth

Atherton Drenth

02 September 2019

With so much happening on the planet at this time it is difficult to discern what is truth. Milada Sakic, an astrologer that I have been following for some time had this to say:

“We will be craving more silence and stillness in the next four weeks. Purpose? To refine our spiritual discernment tools.

It is important that you create time for the spontaneous nudges to unplug in this very noisy 3 Universal Year (The Year of Mindfulness).

(The year that encouraged clarifying our message, establishing our platform and amplifying our impact).

2019 is also the year of highest coherence. As a result, we have been more aware and discerning of the information that is incoherent, incongruent to love, truth and integrity, or simply false (e.g. rambling, looping, inauthenticity, propaganda, scripted news with a clear spin or a biased agenda, mind control).”[1]

If you are looking for tools to help you during this time of developing more discernment may I suggest the practicing the Vertical Axis at least once a day. This very powerful grounding tool takes only a few minutes a day. It can help you to maintain your perspective. It will remind you to breathe. It will teach you how to stay connected to the inner universal divine even during this crazy time of uncertainty.

The universal divine is always striving to help us overcome the obstacles we create for ourselves. We are being reminded that in the stillness we shall overcome the chaos. One breath at a time.

You are divinely loved. You are divinely guided. Be still and know God.

Here is a link to the audio version of the Vertical Axis

Atherton Drenth is a clairvoyant medical intuitive and the author of Intuitive Dance. Building, Protecting & Clearing Your Energy, (Llewellyn Worldwide) and Following Body Wisdom. Atherton also appears in the documentary, Voyage to Betterment as one of 12 experts along with other internationally renowned physicians, researchers, and pioneers in the fields of consciousness research and spirituality.


[1] Milada Sakic: https://www.miladasakic.com/