

author atherton drenth

Atherton Drenth

3 May 2019

There is nothing more deadly than to be told by an old friend that you have changed! It is often said with a subtle hint of despair in their voice or with a look of outright disgust. Hearing those words spoken by a dear friend can leave you reeling, and heart broken.

But what if it is a good thing?

Change is hard enough but when YOU change who you are, well that is a totally different ballgame. Women in particular find it scary to change. They fret about losing dear friends, afraid that they will never make new ones.

We forget that at one time, our old friends were once new friends.

If you have decided to journey inward to try and find your own authenticity, then emotional change will be inevitable. As you change you also grow into a new way of being. You need to take care of her and be tender and understanding. Doing this deep emotional work means you are giving yourself permission to peel back the layers of what you think you should be. The shields and capes of pretending to be what everybody else wants or needs you to be no longer serves the true you. The real you.

women making new friendsThis process of inner change and awareness can be scary and lonely. When I was going through this process, I realized that I was shedding layers of ego that no longer served me. I was discovering a whole new person underneath it all. And I liked her. When my friends started to say that I had changed and they didn’t know who I was anymore, I was thrilled. It meant the changes were showing on the outside. I was taking what I was learning about myself and incorporating it into my life. That was a good thing. A positive step forward. As lonely as it was, I decided to celebrate it. Embrace it. Revel in it.

And then I started to meet other women who had taken the same inward spiritual journey. They shared their stories of how they travelled this path into personal awareness. What a relief to discover that my new friends understood the journey. It gave me courage to continue following through with the changes I too was experiencing.

Please know that if you too are going through these deep personal changes that you are not alone. If the journey feels difficult and intense recognize it as shedding layers of your ego that no longer serve you. As you embrace and embody this new you, there will be other amazing women friends waiting for you on the other side. They will find you.

Embrace the change. Celebrate it. Love the new you – you have waited a lifetime to meet her.

Juicing Atherton DrenthAtherton Drenth is a clairvoyant medical intuitive and the author of Intuitive Dance. Building, Protecting & Clearing Your Energy, (Llewellyn Worldwide) and Following Body Wisdom. Atherton also appears in the documentary, Voyage to Betterment as one of 12 experts along with other internationally renowned physicians, researchers, and pioneers in the fields of consciousness research and spirituality. www.athertondrenth.com www.paradigmcentre.com