Dream Big, Conquer Obstacles: Lessons from My Father’s Entrepreneurial Legacy
As a young man my father had a dream. He wanted to have his own printing business. But there was one tiny little snag to achieving his dream. How do you start a business with no money and five mouths to feed?
Nurturing Your Soul To Receive Love
Do you allow yourself to be loved? It’s an interesting question, don’t you think? Personally, I think it is easier to love than it is to BE LOVED. Allow me to explain.
When Trees Speak
I had the most fascinating thing happen to me the other day. Our neighbour, who lives across the street, had to have the majestic old pine tree on his front lawn, cut down. The tree was quite ancient. Standing over sixty feet tall…
Announcement: Navigating Change and Facing New Horizons
December 2014 turned into a crazy month when I suddenly found myself without an assistant. I had two days to find help before the Centre closed for the holidays. I remember walking into my treatment room and in sheer exasperation looked up to the heavens…
How an Old Dishwasher Became a Sage Teacher
For years I had this reliable, old dishwasher that was a real little work horse. I loved my dishwasher. After years of reliable service old faithful started to develop issues. It was frustrating and annoying when it had the audacity to break down. Fortunately I had a husband who could fix just about anything.
A little spark of joy
This past year has been a challenge for everyone. Coming out of the pandemic meant learning how to be around people again.
Personally, it felt like I was crawling out of a dark cave and finally free to feel the warmth of the sun on my face. I could breathe again. I couldn’t spend enough time outside all summer.
The Day the World Changed
On the morning of September 11, 2001, I received a frantic call from a colleague. What happened that day changed my life in more ways than one. By this time, I had been in practice for only a year. Even though my healing arts practice was still in its infancy…
How Dreams Come True
On August 8, 2022, I celebrated twenty-three years of helping people on their healing journey. What a journey it has been. The first day I opened my practice was an emotional one.
Something Angels Taught Me
In my early teens I started to suffer from debilitating migraines that often left me weak on the right side. My vision and depth perception would be blurry, and I would have difficulty speaking for days.
Dreams of the Dreamer
Everyone dreams. Whether you remember your dreams or not, you still dream. There are various kinds of dreams. There are the dreams we have when we sleep. They can be happy, scary, or simply weird. There are waking dreams which can feel like a daydream, but they are not. In a waking dream you are aware that you are sleeping but you are also conscious of being in a dreamlike state at the same time. This kind of dreaming is often deeply symbolic and sometimes prophetic.
The Success in Failure
Fear of failure can be emotionally crippling. Uncertainty can feel like a huge mountain to climb. Maybe you are at that point in your life where you have a dream, but you don’t know how to get the ball rolling. You know you want to be in control of your own future and have the opportunity to choose the how, when and where. Sometimes all you can do is just leap.
Small Choices or Big Living
Life is all about choices. Some things you have to figure out for yourself but when you are searching for answers there are courses you can take. Sometimes we get to share our lessons learned to enrich someone else’s journey.
Curious About Taking A Chance On Yourself?
When I made the decision to leave a very secure, corporate position to open my own practice my husband was quite frankly, horrified. I will never forget the look of shock on his face. He stood there frozen to the family room floor. Time seemed to come to screeching halt…
The Blunders and Absurdities of Life
That very first day of college will be forever imprinted in my memory. Time slowed down as I walked into my newly assigned homeroom…
Finding Love In The Middle Of Dark Emptiness
This overwhelming feeling of emotional fatigue has been a hot topic with clients and friends lately. It very adeptly describes this sense that after everything we have all been through in the last nine months there is little to no room left to breathe, no place to turn to.
Mystic Musings

Dream Big, Conquer Obstacles: Lessons from My Father’s Entrepreneurial Legacy
As a young man my father had a dream. He wanted to have his own printing business. But there was one tiny little snag to achieving his dream. How do you start a business with no money and five mouths to feed?

Nurturing Your Soul To Receive Love
Do you allow yourself to be loved? It’s an interesting question, don’t you think? Personally, I think it is easier to love than it is to BE LOVED. Allow me to explain.